The spring opens the seas for the navigators. In the beginning of
this season the west winds soften, as it were, the
winter sky, the sun having now gained the 25th degree of
Aquarius; this is on the sixth day before the Ides of February[2].
This agrees, for the most part, with all the remarks that I
shall subsequently make, only anticipating the period by one
day in the intercalary year, and again, preserving the same
order in the succeeding lustrum[3]. After the eighth day before the
Calends of March[4], Favonius is called by some Chelidonias[5], from
the swallows making their appearance. The
wind, which blows for the space of nine days, from the seventy-first
day after the winter solstice[6], is sometimes called Ornithias, from
the arrival of the birds[7]. In the contrary direction to
Favonius is the wind which we name Subsolanus, and
this is connected with the rising of the Vergiliæ, in the 25th
degree of Taurus, six days before the Ides of May[8], which is
the time when south winds prevail: these are opposite to
Septemtrio. The dog-star rises in the hottest time of the
summer, when the sun is entering the first degree of Leo[9];
this is fifteen days before the Calends of August. The north
winds, which are called Prodromi[10], precede its rising by about
eight days. But in two days after its rising, the same north
winds, which are named Etesiæ[11], blow more constantly during
this period; the vapour from the sun, being increased twofold
by the heat of this star, is supposed to render these winds
more mild; nor are there any which are more regular. After
these the south winds become more frequent, until the appearance of
Arcturus[12], which rises eleven days before the autumnal
equinox. At this time Corus sets in; Corus is an autumnal
wind, and is in the opposite direction to Vulturnus. After
this, and generally for forty-four days after the equinox, at
the setting of the Vergiliæ, the winter commences, which
usually happens on the third of the Ides of November[13]. This
is the period of the winter north wind, which is very unlike
the summer north wind, and which is in the opposite direction to
Africus. For seven days before the winter solstice,
and for the same length of time after it, the sea becomes
calm, in order that the king-fishers may rear their young;
from this circumstance they have obtained the name of the
halcyon days[14]; the rest of the season is winterly[15]. Yet the
severity of the storms does not entirely close up the sea.
In former times, pirates were compelled, by the fear of death,
to rush into death, and to brave the winter ocean; now we
are driven to it by avarice[16].
1. We may learn the opinions of the Romans on the subject of this
chapter from Columella, xi. 2.
2. corresponding to the 8th day of the month.
3. ...lustro sequenti...; "tribus annis sequentibus." Alexandre, in
Lemaire, i. 334.
4. corresponding to the 22nd of February.
5. a xelidw\n, hirundo.
6. This will be either on March 2nd or on February 26th, according as
we reckon from December the 21st, the real solstitial day, or the 17th, when,
according to the Roman calendar, the sun is said to enter Capricorn.
7. "quasi Avicularem dixeris." Hardouin, in Lemaire, i. 334.
8. Corresponding to the 10th of May.
9. According to the Roman calendar, this corresponds to the 20th July,
but, according to the text, to the 17th. Columella says, that the sun
enters Leo on the 13th of the Calends of August; xi. 2.
10. "quasi præcursores;" Hardouin, in Lemaire, i. 335. Cicero refers
to these winds in one of his letters to Atticus; xiv. 6.
11. e)thsi/ai, ab e)/tos, annus.
12. This will be on the 13th of September, as, according to our author,
xviii. 24, the equinox is on the 24th.
13. This corresponds to the 11th of November; forty-four days before
this will be the 29th of September.
14. Or Halcyonides. This topic is considered more at length in a subsequent part of the work; x. 47.
15. The author, as it appears, portions out the whole of the year into
fourteen periods, during most of which certain winds are said to blow,
or, at least, to be decidedly prevalent. Although the winds of Italy are
less irregular than those of England, Pliny has considerably exaggerated
the real fact.
16. On this subject the reader may peruse the remarks of Seneca, Nat.
Quæst. v. 18, written in his style of flowery declamation.